7 continents, 1 world


The world is round and can be seen to be rotating 24 hours a day.

The world, how we see it to be today, is made up of 7 continents beautifully placed, with more than half of it filled with water.

The 7 continents are the main land areas on the Earth. Some are joined to each other, some are completely surrounded by water. Some continents have a lot of countries, others have a few. Interestingly, the names of all the continents end with the same letter with which they start; North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Antarctica and Africa.



It is located in the Northern and Western Hemispheres.
It is known to be the 3rd largest continent in the world. It has a population of 516,766,000 and covers 9,348,000 sq.miles. It is bordered by 3 of the world’s largest oceans; the Atlantic, Arctic and Pacific. It consists of 24 countries. The dominant languages are Spanish, French and English. It is the only continent that has every kind of climate. It has a diverse array of wildlife species and is home to an estimated 457 mammals (e.g.jaguar), 914 birds (e.g. bald eagle), 662 reptiles (e.g. alligator), more than 300 amphibians and 4,000 known arachnids (e.g bark scorpion).

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SOUTH AMERICA! It is located in the Western Hemisphere, mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, with a relatively small portion in the Northern Hemisphere. It is known to be the 4th largest continent in the world. It’s population, as of 2016, has been estimated at more than 420 million and covers 6,890,000 sq.miles. It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean, and on the north and east by the Atlantic Ocean; North America and the Caribbean Sea lie to the northwest. It includes 12 countries, a part of France (French Guiana), and a non-sovereign area (the Falkland Islands). In addition to this, the ABC islands of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Trinidad and Tobago, and Panama may also be considered part of South America. Portuguese and Spanish are the most spoken languages. The climate of South America is predominantly wet and humid. However, the large size of the continent makes the climate of South America varied with each region depending on factors such as geographical location, ocean currents, and winds. South America is the site of the largest rain forest where more than half of all the animal species live.

North and South America may be considered as one continent with the name, AMERICA.

EUROPE! It is located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere. It covers about 3,930,000 sq.miles, or 2% of the Earth’s surface and had a total population of about 741 million as of 2016.

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It is known to be the 2nd smallest continent in the world. It is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. It consists of 51 independent states. Russian, German, French, Italian and English are the most spoken languages in Europe. Europe lies mainly in the temperate climate zones, being subjected to prevailing westerlies. Europe does not have many animals, but the ones it does have, have unique methods of staying warm.


ASIA! It is located in the Eastern and Northern Hemispheres. It covers an area of 17,212,000 sq miles, about 30% of Earth’s total land area and 8.7% of the Earth’s total surface area, with a population of 4,462,676,731. It is the largest continent in the world. It is bounded on the east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the Indian Ocean, and on the north by the Arctic Ocean. Asia includes 50 independent countries. Asia is home to several language families and many language isolates. The climate is wet across southeast sections, and dry across much of the interior. Asia shows a notable diversity of habitats, with significant variations in rainfall, altitude, topography, temperature and geological history, which is reflected in its richness of animal life.

Europe and Asia may be considered as one, with the name EURASIA.

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AUSTRALIA! It is located in the Southern and Eastern Hemispheres between the South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. It covers an area of 2,966,151 sq.miles with population of 22,015,576. It is known to be the smallest continent in the world. Being a continent and a country at the same time, it’s said to be the 6th largest nation in the world. It is known to be the the driest inhabited continent on earth. Its interior has one of the lowest rainfalls in the world and about three-quarters of the land is arid or semi-arid. Australia is one of the few continents to have all three groups of mammals – monotremes, marsupials and placentals – and are home to more than 800 species of birds, 2 crocodile species, 4,000 fish species and 50 types of marine mammals.

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ANTARCTICA! It is Earth’s southernmost continent. It contains the geographic South Pole and is situated in the Antarctic region of the Southern Hemisphere, and is surrounded by the Southern Ocean. It covers 5,400,000 sq.miles, with no indigenous inhabitants. It is the 5th largest continent. About 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice that averages 1.9 km (6,200 ft) in thickness, which extends to all but the northernmost reaches of the Antarctic Peninsula. On average, it is the coldest, driest, and windiest continent, and has the highest average elevation of all the continents. It is noted as the last region on Earth in recorded history to be discovered. The wildlife of Antarctica are extremophiles, having to adapt to the dryness, low temperatures, and high exposure common in Antarctica.

AFRICA!! It isn’t a country, but a continent. The majority of the continent and its countries are in the Northern Hemisphere, with a substantial portion and number of countries in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the 2nd largest continent in the world. At about 11.7 million sq.miles including adjacent islands, it covers 6% of Earth’s total surface area and 20% of its total land area. It has a population of 1.2 billion people as of 2016, and accounts for about 16% of the world’s human population. Over a thousand languages are spoken in Africa, most of which are of African origin, though some are of European or Asian origin. Africa is the most multilingual continent in the world, and it is not rare for individuals to fluently speak not only multiple African languages, but one or more European ones as well.


It is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, both the Suez Canal and the Red Sea along the Sinai Peninsula to the northeast, the Indian Ocean to the southeast and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Africa includes Madagascar and various archipelagos. It contains 54 fully-recognized countries. The climate of Africa ranges from tropical to subarctic on its highest peaks. Its northern half is primarily desert or arid, while its central and southern areas contain both savanna plains and dense rainforest regions. In between, there is a convergence, where vegetation patterns such as sahel and steppe dominate. Habitats of animals range from rainforest to desert, and Africa’s animal life is every bit as varied as its landscapes.

~ Thanks to Wikipedia and bing.com

Okay! Enough of the Geography! I just realized I’ve written a lot. But where am I going with all this?

I’ve been around the world in one way or the other, and I’ve realized that hailing from some countries give you some kind of respect and attention. And also, you could be looked down on if you hailed from other countries in other continents. I believe we’re from different places alright, but are the same.

We may be of different races; black, yellow, white, but it’s the same red color blood we bleed. Enough of the racial talk! It’s high time we start seeing each other, especially of different color, the same way we see ourselves; human beings.

Taking a close look at the world map, you’d realize that all 7 continents are connected in a way, forming the world we live in today. It simply means we’re all connected to each other. Funny enough, someone from China (in Asia) could have an ancestor in Guinea (in Africa). The skin color does not matter! We are all one people!

Treat everyone of different races equally. We are from 7 continents, but we make up 1 world. WE ARE ONE!!





7大洲是地球上的主要陆地地区。 有些彼此相连,有些完全被水包围。一些大陆有很多国家,其他国家有几个。 有趣的是,所有大陆的名字都以他们开始的同一封信结束; 北美,南美,欧洲,亚洲,澳大利亚,南极和非洲。

北美! 南北美喜它位于北半球和西半球。
它被称为世界第三大大陆。 它拥有516,766,000人口,覆盖9,348,000平方英里。 它毗邻世界上最大的3个海洋; 大西洋,北极和太平洋。 它由24个国家组成。 主要语言是西班牙语,法语和英语。 这是唯一拥有各种气候的大陆。 它拥有各种各样的野生动物物种,并且估计有457种哺乳动物(例如jaguar),914只鸟(例如白头鹰),662只爬行动物(例如鳄鱼),300多种两栖动物和4000种已知的蛛形纲动物(例如树皮蝎子)。

南美洲! 它位于西半球,大部分位于南半球,北半球相对较小。 它被称为世界上第四大的大陆。 这是人口,截至2016年,已估计超过4.2亿美元,涵盖6,890,000平方英里。 西与太平洋接壤,北与东接大西洋; 北美和加勒比海位于西北部。 它包括12个国家,法国的一部分(法属圭亚那)和非主权地区(福克兰群岛)。 除此之外,荷兰王国,特立尼达和多巴哥和巴拿马的ABC岛也可被视为南美洲的一部分。 葡萄牙语和西班牙语是最常用的语言。 南美洲的气候主要是潮湿和潮湿的。 然而,由于地理位置,洋流和风等因素的影响,大陆的面积很大,使得南美洲的气候因地区而异。 南美洲是最大的雨林的地方,超过所有动物物种的一半生活。


欧洲! 它是 完全位于北半球,大部分位于东半球。 它涵盖了约3,930,000平方英里,占地球表面的2%,截至2016年,总人口约为7.41亿。 (6)它被称为世界上第二小的大陆。 北与北冰洋接壤,西与大西洋接壤,南接地中海。 它由51个独立的州组成。 俄语,德语,法语,意大利语和英语是欧洲使用最多的语言。 欧洲主要位于温带气候区,受到盛行西风带的影响。 欧洲没有很多动物,但它拥有的动物有独特的保暖方法。

亚洲! 它位于东半球和北半球。 它占地面积17,212,000平方英里,约占地球总面积的30%,占地球总面积的8.7%,人口为4,462,676,731。 它是世界上最大的大陆。 它的东部是太平洋,南部是印度洋,北部是北冰洋。 亚洲包括50个独立国家。 亚洲是几个语言家庭和许多语言隔离区的所在地。 东南部地区的气候潮湿,大部分内部干燥。 亚洲的栖息地明显多样,降雨量,海拔高度,地形,温度和地质历史有显着差异,这体现在其丰富的动物生活中。



澳大利亚! 它位于南太平洋和印度洋之间的南半球和东半球。 占地面积2,966,151平方米,人口22,015,576。 它被称为世界上最小的大陆。 据说它是世界上第六大的国家,同时也是一个大陆和一个国家。 据了解,这是地球上最干燥的有人居住的大陆。 其内部是世界上降雨量最低的地区之一,约四分之三的土地为干旱或半干旱地区。 澳大利亚是为数不多的拥有三组哺乳动物的大陆之一 – 单胎,有袋动物和胎盘 – 拥有超过800种鸟类,2种鳄鱼种类,4000种鱼类和50种海洋哺乳动物。

南极洲! 它是地球最南端的大陆。 它包含南极的地理位置,位于南半球的南极地区,并被南大洋包围。 它涵盖了5,400,000平方英里,没有原住民。 它是第五大洲。 大约98%的南极洲被冰覆盖,平均厚度为1.9公里(6,200英尺) 延伸至南极半岛最北端的所有地区。 平均而言,这是最冷,最干燥,最风的大陆,也是所有大陆平均海拔最高的地区。 它被记录为有史以来被发现的地球上最后一个区域。 南极洲的野生动物是极端微生物,必须适应南极洲常见的干燥,低温和高暴露。

非洲!! 这不是一个国家,而是一个大陆。 该大陆及其国家的大部分地区位于北半球,在南半球拥有相当数量的国家。 它是世界第二大的大陆。 其中包括邻近岛屿约1170万平方米,占地球总面积的6%,占陆地总面积的20%。 它有12亿人口 人数截至2016年,约占全球人口的16%。 在非洲讲了一千多种语言,其中大部分都来自非洲,尽管有些语言来自欧洲或亚洲。 非洲是世界上最多语言的大陆,个人不仅能够流利说出多种非洲语言,而且还能说一种或多种欧洲语言。地图的非洲-720它的北边是地中海,苏伊士运河和红海都位于西奈半岛东北部,印度洋东南部和大西洋西部。 非洲包括马达加斯加和各个群岛。 它包含54个完全认可的国家。 非洲的气候范围从热带到亚北极的最高峰。 其北半部主要是沙漠或干旱地带,而其中部和南部地区则包含热带草原平原和茂密的热带雨林地区。 在两者之间,有一个汇合点,sahel和草原等植被模式占主导地位。 动物栖息地从热带雨林到沙漠,非洲的动物生活与它的风景各不相同。


好的! 足够的地理! 我刚刚意识到我写了很多。 但我在哪里与这一切?

我以某种方式来到世界各地,并且我意识到来自一些国家的欢呼会给予您某种尊重和关注。 而且,如果你来自其他大陆的其他国家,你可能会被低估。 我相信我们来自不同的地方,但都是一样的。

我们可能有不同的种族; 黑色,黄色,白色,但它是我们流血的红色血液。 足够的种族谈话! 现在是我们开始看对方的时候了,尤其是不同颜色的对话,就像我们看到的一样; 人类。

仔细观察世界地图,你会发现所有7大洲都以某种方式相连,形成了我们今天生活的世界。 这仅仅意味着我们都彼此相连。 有趣的是,来自中国(亚洲)的人可能在几内亚(在非洲)有祖先。 肤色不重要。 我们都是一个人。

平等对待不同种族的每个人。 我们来自7大洲,但我们组成了1个世界。 我们是一个!