DAY 27/30

Same old message..

Jesus loves you! He died for your sins and rose from the dead. He’s coming back again!

There has to come a point in your life where you say yes to Him, and I believe that time is now. Jesus came, not to die the death of a murderer or a victim. He came to die as a substitute in our place.

He died on the cross and shed His blood for us. The Son of God incarnated in human flesh, atoning for our sins.

He doesn’t ask you to work your way to heaven because you’re never going to make it. He’s worked His way to you. And the God that loves people, who came down to you, redeemed Adam and Eve from the garden after they had fallen into sin.

The God who came down into the burning bush to call Moses and release the people of Israel in the Exodus, is the God who comes down in the person of Christ, to the cross to pay the ultimate price for our sin and take the wrath of God against Himself.

When Jesus rose from dead, He’s saying to us, “I have the power to give you that same gift of eternal life! But I’m calling you to put your faith and trust in Me and what I’ve done for you on the cross”.

It’s not the world that saves you, it’s the Savior who atoned for your sins. It’s His blood that was shed on your behalf. And that Savior loves you so much that even after His resurrection, He still had the nail prints.

He said to Thomas, “put your finger in the nail prints. Don’t be faithless, but believe”. The nail prints shout to us for all eternity… I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I DID IT ALL FOR YOU!

The message of Bible prophecy is to get us ready for the fact that He’s coming back again, and to give us confidence that the God who loves you, is the God who knows the future.

He’s the God who controls the future. He’s the God who is the future. And that future can be yours when you open your heart and mind to say yes to Jesus Christ the Son of God!

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